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<% Set rs=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") Sql="Select * from about where cid=2" sql,conn,3,2 If not rs.eof then %>
<%=rs("memo")%>ISO 9001: 2000 Registered Firm for Spark Plug ManufacturerTechnical Data of Spark Plug - Features & Structures

Spark Plugs Features and Structures, Spark Plug

1.Multi-ribs of insulator eliminate flashover.
2.Insulator made of 95% pure alumina, strong resistant to heat shock, great mechanic and electric features, super insulation.
3. nickel plated housing prevents oxidation and corrosion, heat crimping process ensures absolute gas-tight fit.
4.Inner sealing with conductive glass ensures a fine conductivity and sealing.
5. Multi-layer gaskets are elasticity strong, and reliable in sealing.
6. Copper core electrode prevents oxidation and corrosion, good electric and heat conductivity, long spark plug service life.

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